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December 9th, 2022

Final Minutes
Regular Meeting
December 9th, 2022
300 Charles Street
CALL TO ORDER:  The meeting was called to order by Trustee Sally Trapp at 1:07 P.M.
PRESENT:  Trustees Julie Duff, Sandy Hennessy, Dickson Pratt and Sally Trapp. Also present were Director Amy Baer and Plaindealer reporter Kylea Henseler.  Also present via Zoom, was board of trustees applicant, Alison Etheridge.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Acting secretary Sandy Hennessy submitted revised minutes noting corrections.  Sally Trapp moved to accept the corrected and revised minutes and Dickson Pratt seconded the motion.  Motion passed.
NEXT MEETING: Friday, January 13th at 1 P.M.
PUBLIC COMMENT:  There were no public comments.
FRIENDS UPDATE: Director Baer had no further information to submit.
Interview and discussion with board applicant Alison Etheridge.
Alison spoke via Zoom answering questions from trustees and director Amy Baer.  Upon completion of the interview, Dickson Pratt moved to accept her application.  Sally Trapp seconded the motion and motion carried. Director Baer will notify Ms. Etheridge.
Approval of signage for Young Adult and Children’s Area. The total cost for signs is $304.90.  The cost will be paid out of line item in the budget for building improvement within capital outlay.  Dickson Pratt moved that the board accept the signage purchase and Sandy Hennessy seconded the motion.  Motion carried.
Board training update and discussion chose the following possible dates of January 30th, 31st and February 2nd. Late afternoon time frame was suggested to accommodate work schedules.  The board agreed to open the training to other nearby library boards.  Trustee Hennessy will contact Sharon Morris who will conduct the trainings.
Email accounts for board members will be placed on the agenda for next board meeting.
Library director employment agreement is in the hands of Lane Thomasson of Hockersmith & Whitmore, LLC in Ouray.  Sally Trapp will present the agreement at next board meeting.
Julie Duff presented the Ridgway Public Library Operating Budget with two small changes.  Line item for Conferences/Schools/Travel was increased by $50.00 and Telephone increased by $219.78. Sally Trapp moved to adopt the 2023 budget. Dickson Pratt seconded the motion.  Motion carried.
Director Baer asked that board members sign documents in triplicate for certification of the mill levy from Ouray County.  Baer covered statistics noting that patron numbers are increasing.  Inventory is 95% complete.  Ridgway Public Library is registered with FAMLIA.  Staff have been involved in workshops this Fall.  Community outreach is going well.
Meeting adjourned at 2:13 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by Sandy Hennessy

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